When it comes to talking about hair care and treatment, aloe vera is the name that always comes to mind. Everybody has many great stories about the benefits of this little plant. They say it can make their hair grow, but science says that it's a myth.
Aloe vera is a boon for skincare, but in treating hair loss, it may not be as effective as these natural herbs. The plant extract works well as a natural cleanser, but no studies proved that it promotes hair growth. You can use it to keep your hair smooth and shiny. But if you're looking for natural hair loss treatment, try one of the following essential oils.
You heard it right. It's not a joke. There is something in onion juice that makes your hair grow back. It may not smell good, but this kitchen staple will relieve you of the stress of a receding hairline.
Scientists asked some patients with alopecia areata to rub the spice on their heads. Their study proved that onion juice helps your hair grow back. It took six weeks for the alopecia patients to see some hair growing on their heads.
The fragrant smell of this aromatic oil stimulates the production of keratin on your skin. It promotes the healing of wounds. Gripped with this discovery, some researchers applied the oil on a human scalp tissue. Their test showed an increase in keratin levels.
Sandalwood oil comes from the bark and roots of the sandalwood tree. This tree commonly grows in most parts of Southeast Asia. Hindus use sandalwood oil in their religious ceremonies. It is an essential oil for aromatherapy.
Palm Fruit
They call it saw palmetto. Drugstores in the United States sell it as a food supplement. The berries are either dried or extracted to make pills. The US FDA does not regulate this drug.
Health authorities warn of this drug's adverse effects on the body. They don't recommend taking it orally for hair loss treatment. They encourage more studies on the matter. Some people are enjoying its benefits on their hair.
Pumpkin Seed
Scientists found a ray of hope on a cure for alopecia when they conducted a study on pumpkin seed oil. They discovered that pumpkin seed oil is more effective than saw palmetto as a supplement. Their test results showed more positive effects on hair regrowth among male patients with alopecia.
The pumpkin seed oil also promotes hair regrowth when you apply it on your scalp. Researchers had studied its effects on mice. The results showed that it made hair grow back on these animals. The scientists regard it as an alternative treatment for male pattern alopecia.
There are plenty of reasons for losing hair. For some people, it's a case of family heritage. Others have it because of an illness. For others still, it can be plain neglect or an unhealthy lifestyle. Whatever the reason for your baldness, always consult your doctor when you try one of these home remedies.